
Welcome to my blog, I'm quite new to this so if I get it wrong don't hold it against me!

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Another good day!

Today was good. I was kept fully occupied by a day at my cousins. To start with I beat them both at monopoly whilst sat on a silly balance ball thing... Is there anything I can't do?!? (Maybe sarcasm...!) and went on to lose them on a game called COD?  But hey, we enjoyed it and that is what is needed! After this I was introduced to a silly program called; "Take Me Out" which was an awful mix of men making a pratt of themselves andwomen forgetting to wear much more than a slip of clothing!
I feel that as things go in the world, the current situation in Egypt is extremely uplifting as after just 18 days they have changed the course of their history, with very little violence or damage to property. An amazing feat in a country of 79,089,650 to have as little as 200 deaths in what was a revolution! An amazing feat! I also wish to congratulate the England team after another successful game today... 59-13 to England! Score indeed!
I shall leave you with that my online comrades...
And three cheers to those lucky revolutionaries and Rugby player!

Friday, 11 February 2011

A Better Day

Today was one of the better days in the past few weeks. I took a few photos today, which made me feel a little happier than I was feeling after my run!

After I went into town with G'dad and had a look in Jessops and in the other camera shops which made me feel even better!

In all, my online fellows, a good day. However I cannot avoid the fact that I am not to live at "Home" any more. But the days are getting better, and the down days are spreading themselves out... As they say "Things can only get better!"

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Another normal day...

As the title subtly suggests, today was a little average, to say the least! I did about nothing, but I did recieve a nice email from my teacher detailing all of the nice work I am to complete... Fun! I also recived news of the terrible illnesses which are plaguing my Mother and Brothers. It appears that as a legacy I left my Mother and smallest brother a cold. And my other brother, has a face which has mysteriously swollen with no apparent reason... (Apparently it looked like a black eye) And all the doctor could do was prescribe antibiotics... Lucky I left when I did! I went for another run this morning witht the same load and route but in nicer weather conditions!

Well tarar for now followers... I shall update you soon!

Monday, 7 February 2011

Put title here

Another same old day, I went for my run without incident. Well, bar the VERY strong headwind threatening to blow me over everytime I was in the open - Which was for the most part, as I was running on the burrows! And the blinding rain did nothing to aid my progress along the dark path. But there is no darkness that my trusty Maglite will not burn through! I think I managed around 1.5 miles out and then the same back home. Home was a welcome relief with a warm shower on demand. Other than that it was an uneventful day!

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Today was another same-old day... I woke at the crack of lunch and after a light spot of lunch I set up my stereo in my roomso I can listen to my "Tunes" in high quality rather than through my earphones which limit the area I can be from my laptop! Not much else happened apart from the planning for my run tomorrow (I am going to fill my backpack full of rocks and run as far as I can before I cannot go on!) I have decided to take my backpack with the wide supports so as the load is spread more evenly and there is less of a risk of the straps fallling apart!