
Welcome to my blog, I'm quite new to this so if I get it wrong don't hold it against me!

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Hello again!

Hello, it's been a long while since I blogged last, but not much has happened really! I have been spending some time with my aunt, uncle and cousins. I spent saturday evening with them watching The Hurt Locker on their new surroiund sound set up, then I spent Sunday with them bowling, last night with them for not much of a reason and I am fresh back from the cinema after watching Paul with them. They are a nice bunch and we are close (as are we all in our family!)
With all of the time spent with them I am runningo out of time to do my fitness stuff (With the amount I am fed I need the 7.5 miles a day I do on my bike!) And so I am needing to push myself againtst the odds to stay fit and healthy! It seems to be working though!
I am really missing the great friends I had back up north, but I am hoping to make new ones as I settle here. Currently I am looking at doing a couple of local clubs and stuff. So far I have seen the Rugby club who look good, and possibly a camera club, but sometimes they can turn into a competition of who has the most expensive kit and nothing given to actual photography! That reminds me, IU forgot to do my photo last week so I need to do one for last and this week!
Libya still stays under the rule of a mentally ill ruler and we see no signs of change! Egypt seems to have fallen quiet, but that was an exemplary overthrow of an oppressor! Vie la revolution! As the french would say!
That's all for now but I will try and blog tomorrow, maybe with my images!

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