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Tuesday, 1 March 2011

My First Day (Again)

Yesterday was my first day at Bideford College. It was not the most enjoyable day by any means. When I first turned up I had not a clue as to where I was going, as I had not been issued with a timetable. So I went to the office, where I got issued with a timetable and told to sit and wait until there was someone to take me to my first lesson. As I sat I saw the types of people who attend the school. There where about three types: The "Goths", The "Chavs" and The "Surfers." (These opinions where backed up throughout the day) I find myself not to be a part of any of these groups.
I spent most of my day alone, whilst in lessons I sat alone, during lunch and break I sat in the library. Where else was I to go? I found that I was not spoken to by any pupils other than when instructed to do so by a teacher. Today I have four free periods in the morning. As ther are six periods overall in the day, I hardly feel like turning up.
As an unexpected "surprise" my father turned up after school yesterday. As I got off the bus, I had called him and told him that if he wanted to come and visit he needed to give me notice so as I could organise for me to stay at my aunts, as I belive that he has caused the stress which I am under.
With this I leave you. I would like to talk about the situation in Libya, but I really can't type any more...
Goodbye for now comrades

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