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Saturday, 26 March 2011

A rant, then a picture to make up for it!

As I sit in my room typing this, all I can think about is that this time last year I was at an excellent school turning out A grade pupils left, right and centre. Now I am at a school which lacks not only respect, but also basic discipline. In the time I have been there pupils have appaled me with their behaviour, one told a teacher to shut up and accused her of lying and stealing work he hadn't done, others seem to think it is alright to essentially hurl abuse at the teachers! Never in my long line of schools have I seen such a lack of respect. The discipline is non-existant, the school uniform clearly states that pupils must wear the school jumper, polo shirt, tucked in, black trousers and black school shoes. I have seen almost no black shoes, let aone school shoes and I have also seen a number of shell suits and other non regulatory uniform. And to cap it off the maths teacher told me that the school was the third worst in the county - I was not impressed!

Sorry about that! I know I should be posting about the situation in Libya but the situation is currently at a standstill, with eurofighters proving their worth and the Tornados doing what they do best, the rebels should feel safe enough to overcome Gaddafi. We support them fully. And now a picture to make up for the rant! Enjoy...
Taken at the Waddington airshow in 2010 this beautiful P-51 mustang dates back to WW2 and is still airworthy. The beautiful origins of the modern swing role aircraft.

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